Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Moving Brigade

So I totally got shanghaied into the moving brigade. You wouldn't think it would be that hard to move my aunt and uncle across town, but you must take into account small children and a flight of stairs. Of course the day did have some highlights, like throwing the kids mattresses off the balcony and talking to my brother on the phone while I'm supposed to be arranging the van. Then there were some low points to, like trying to fit myself in the van (which Uncle Steve and Bob loaded) where there was not enough space for my person to fit. I guess they made a Bob sized hole when they needed to make a Courtney sized hole which needs leg room. Another low point was when I had four small people looking up at me wondering what was for a snack when the entire kitchen had already been packed, just my luck. But all in all I survived with minimal injuries and they fed us, so I really can't complain. After all who in their right mind volunteers to feed three teenagers? So with a little wailing and gnashing of teeth we got them moved. We deserve a pat on the back.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Second Home

I been thinking and I went back and read a couple of my old posts. Funny thing is I found myself in the same place I was then. Its strange how life works like that isn't it?

Friday, May 8, 2009

Favorite Smells

My Top Ten Favorite smells in the world are:

10. Sharpie Marker

9. New Shoes

8. Leather

7. A Clean Baby

6. The Ocean

5. My Dad

4. A New Book

3. Freshly Mowed Lawn

2. A Dirt road after it Rains

1. Fresh Bread Just out of the Oven

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Cinco de Mayo (Or the Fifth of May)

Its that time of year again, To celebrate Cinco de Mayo!!! So instead of doing something useful with our time we are going to lay around eating salsa and chips and watching Spanish TV. Now that's the way to celebrate!!!

Monday, May 4, 2009


Texting has posed me with a question I must ask. Who texts more guys or girls? This has really interested me because I will text a couple girls and a couple guys at the same time with the same message but only the girls reply. Could some one please explain this to me? I am very confused...

Saturday, May 2, 2009

11:11 Make a Wish

Top Ten Things to Wish for at 11:11

10. New Socks (....That's a bit self explanatory)

9. A New CD (Although how its supposed to just appear I have no Idea...)

8. New Books (I can't help it if I read a lot...)

7. A New Cell phone (Must Text....)

6. A Computer (Don't ask what I'm writing on now...)

5. Money (Everybody has to have it!)

4. New Brothers (Anybody would agree)

3. A Trip To Paris (As long as I'm dreaming I might as well dream big...)

2. A Vampire (Yes I went there, You know you want one...)

And the top thing to wish for at 11:11 is.....

1. Joe Jonas (No Comment....)

Thursday, April 30, 2009

That shoe, The Best Shoe

You know its pretty sad when that favorite pair of shoes is on its last leg. Some people don't understand that it doesn't matter what the shoes look like its still the best shoe ever. I don't really care that the shoe is seriously about to fall off my foot. Decaying slowly, covered in paint, holes in the soles, its doesn't matter, its still the best shoe in existence. Here's to the Converse All-Star, Best shoe ever, no matter what my mom says.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Whispers in the Dark ( New Drama!)

Whispers in the Dark
By Skillet

Despite the lies that you're making
Your love is mine for the taking
My love is
Just waiting
To turn your tears to roses

I will be the one that's gonna hold you
I will be the one that you run to
My love is
A burning, consuming fire

You'll never be alone
When darkness comes I'll light the night with stars
Hear my whispers in the dark
You'll never be alone
When darkness comes you know I'm never far
Hear my whispers in the dark

You feel so lonely and ragged
You lay here broken and naked
My love is
Just waiting
To clothe you in crimson roses

I will be the one that's gonna find you
I will be the one that's gonna guide you
My love is
A burning, consuming fire

This is the song we are doing our drama to for the march outreach. I'm so excited!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Yeah, It's just been one of those days

"I'm having a bad day" seems a bit of an understatement. I'm just going to say. Bad day just doesn't seem strong enough, how about, Terrible Horrible No Good VERRY Bad day. Yeah that's just about right. First, it started out that my foot still hasn't healed up well, then in basketball practice, we started out with the Every-girl-for-herself-drill which I hate because, well lets just say it doesn't appeal to my very strong sense of justice. Then after that I got elbowed in the eye, and I'm just going to say that hurt. A lot. Then after various dings and brusies during scrimage, I find out my homework tutor can't help me tonight. Which sucks. A lot. I'm not going to lie. So yeah, that was pretty much my Terrible Horrible No Good VERRY Bad day. Well atleast the way I see it. I'm going to have to admit it is a slightly slanted point of view. But Hey what can I say?

Friday, January 9, 2009

New Year

This year Courtney is going to:

Rock what she's got,

Never back down even if the whole world thinks she'd crazy,

Live like she's out on bail, with the cops on her tail,

and most of all enjoy life to the fullest.