Friday, December 19, 2008

Snap Shots From Meet Me at Luigi's

Maria The Very Smart Blond... A.K.A. Elisabeth

Albert A.K.A. Bobby

Gino and Bubba A.K.A. Roland and Holden

Betsy, Albert and Gloria

Luigi "Whats a matter for you ey?"

Jerry and Buffy A.K.A. Eric and Nichole

Jute Box Queens Nancy and Sarah A.K.A Courtney and Camry

Jonathan (Josh) right before he gets smacked in the back of the head by Gino (Roland)
Gino really liked to smack people, I'm sure he hit three different characters. See Below. I couldn't find a picture of Gino smacking Jerry, but I know it happened.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

That Was A Bust

Today was the first game of the Claude Tournament and we got our tushes kicked. Bad. The score was 57 to 12. I was not happy. That really doesn't express my feelings.... I was flat out Ticked off. I was about to start yelling at our players, and I don't really get into sports that much. Okay that is a lie, I am very competitive. But anyway, we really didn't start playing until that last half of the fourth period. It was horrible! Not that I didn't today but Tomorrow I'm leaving it ALL on the court! Nothing is going to stand in my way tomorrow. I will not leave this Tournament without a win.

Monday, December 1, 2008

I Miss Him

I miss the way he always knows how to make me smile.
How his eyes sparkle when he laughs.
How he always seems to know when I need a hug.
I miss the way he sits around playing old country songs on his guitar.
How he sings on his way to church.
I even miss sitting on the couch on Sunday afternoons watching football.
I miss him playing his music too loud.
How he knows the words to all the old show tunes.
I miss talking sports, even though I don't know most of whats going on.

But Most of all I miss the way he is always there for me.

I miss my Dad.

Monday, November 10, 2008

New Things, Same Old Thoughts

I have found that I really am that easy to amuse. Saturday I got some new basketball shoes. When I found them at the store, I'm pretty sure my face light up like a christmas tree I was so excited. I found the size I needed and literlly yanked then off the shelf in my hurry to try them on. Once I had them on I almost couldn't bare to take them off! I finially consented to have them put back in the box so I could go pay for them. I was probably floating as I walked out of the store and back to the car, goofy smile on my face I was blissfully happy. I sit on the couch watching TV with the shoe box next to me, just so I can look at them every once in a while.
I sit up straight in bed this morning knowing that today is basketball pratice and I get to wear them for the first time. I lay back down for it will be another hour before my alarm goes off, but no matter how hard I try I can't wipe the smile off my face.
These are just like my shoes, except mine are all white with black accents. :)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

First Game

I have My first game today. I am going to DIE!!!! maybe....
So This should be intersting....

Monday, November 3, 2008

Life Lessons from Rubber Bands

A a thought came to me while I was talking to my cousin last night. In our spiritual life we resemble rubber bands. I know, you think I'm crazy. While that is true, I am going to make a valid point with the whole rubber band thing. A rubber band is only useful when it has been stretched out of its comfort zone. If you don't pull on it the rubber band doesn't really work. It's the same thing with us, as long as we sit unstretched we are pretty useless. But when God pulls us out, and stretches us, taking us from our comfort zone, we find a new hold on life. We find that while it hurts, being stretched and pulled does us good. It makes us remember what we are here for, to be used, not just to sit unstretched.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Smiling Through Tears

I have less than two weeks, is that going to be enough? Are you going to break down at the end? Are you going to give up and stay? Are you going to survive away from this world you've known for so long? My mind keeps screaming out these questions and I have no way to answer them. I just have to wait and see... Which I have to admit is really the hardest part for me. Waiting. Anyone who knows me knows I hate waiting, with a passion. Then I remind myself just two more weeks but that doesn't help much, because then the questions start all over again. So I push them aside and try to get through one more day, knowing that time is almost up.

Tonight I get to see my friends, its getting harder knowing I won't get to hang out with them twice a week, but maybe I'll make new friends where I'm going... Maybe.

Now I chide myself for over analyzing and being so depressing. After all its not like I'm dieing or something, I'm just moving. Deep down I really am happy, I get to see my best friend more than twice a year and I get to play basketball. In the end I'm thrilled. I guess I'm just freaking out a bit about the entire leaving thing, but I'll get over it, I always do.

So tonight I'm going to see my friends and enjoy myself. I've got something to look forward to, and I will always have something to return to. Now instead of having one home I have two.