Saturday, May 2, 2009

11:11 Make a Wish

Top Ten Things to Wish for at 11:11

10. New Socks (....That's a bit self explanatory)

9. A New CD (Although how its supposed to just appear I have no Idea...)

8. New Books (I can't help it if I read a lot...)

7. A New Cell phone (Must Text....)

6. A Computer (Don't ask what I'm writing on now...)

5. Money (Everybody has to have it!)

4. New Brothers (Anybody would agree)

3. A Trip To Paris (As long as I'm dreaming I might as well dream big...)

2. A Vampire (Yes I went there, You know you want one...)

And the top thing to wish for at 11:11 is.....

1. Joe Jonas (No Comment....)


Four Little Penguins said...

Not wishing for a sister?

Unknown said...

I don't know if I'd wish for a vampire, but more books? Always!

Courtney G. said...

Nope I'm not wishing for a sister, I'll get a couple in a little while any way so there's no point in wasting a wish on that. I should have wished for more converse..... Dang it!